General Information
The persimmon tree belongs to family Ebenaceae and to genus Diospyrus. The most widely cultivated species is the Asian persimmon. It spread from Korea to other continents due to its strong adaptation to tropical and temperate regions.
Cultivation in Turkey
There are 3 persimmon species cultivated in Turkey, Diospyros kaki, Diospyros lotus and Diospyros oleifera. Diospayros kaki is the leading species with 75%-80% cultivagion percentage. Major producing areas are the Mediterranean, the Black Sea and the Aegean regions, respectively.
The harvest of Turkish persimmon starts in November. Persimmons are collected from the tree with with their stems to be dried. The peeled persimmon are hanged or put on clean canvases to be dried. During the drying process, attention should be paid to hygiene conditions since persimmons are peeled off.